Thursday, December 4, 2014


I started lifting and am now paying the price of soreness.  I was really big into lifting when I was in college and I have to admit that being sore feels pretty good.  Knowing that I actually did something to help build muscle which in turn, will help burn more fat, is kind of awesome.  However, I am going to be walking a little stiff tomorrow, but hopefully my arms and chest will be close to recovering as I want to get another arm workout in on Saturday.  

Switching gears... Being single makes cooking decent, yummy meals a royal pain in the A**!  Whenever I buy meats, there's always a minimum of three pieces, normally more.  Freezing is then a must and meats tend to not be as great when defrosted as they are when they're fresh.  So I have started buying meats at one of the local delis, where I can actually get just ONE chicken breast or ONE steak.  Only problem here is that these are HUGE cuts of meat.  Think I'm exaggerating? The marinated 1/2 chicken breast I bought tonight was ONE POUND!  Yes, 1/2!!!  I actually had enough calories that I could have eaten the whole thing, but I cut it in half (half of a half, gotta love math) and wrapped the other half back up.  Throw that together with a sweet potato and asparagus and I had an amazing dinner!  Probably the best part was that the combined cost of my whole meal was less than $5 and it tasted great.  One way I'm going to continue to tackle the food challenge is to really utilize my crock-pot.  Which brings me to my newest challenge for myself...

One crock-pot dish/week through March.  That's my challenge, although I may have to take one week in February off as I will be in New Mexico visiting my parents.  However, they're staying at my great-uncle's house and he might have a crock-pot!  Is this lame?  Probably a bit... But I don't care.  I need a challenge relating to food that forces me to be creative and not fall into a rut of eating the same things over and over again.  I'm trying super hard to avoid relying on Lean Cuisine's or Smart Ones as my main dinners, especially since I know the salt content is out of this world.  Plus, I really am trying to make this a lifestyle change and not just some temporary fix.

Alright, I need some ibuprofen and to start thinking about getting ready for bed.  

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