Sunday, December 7, 2014

Crock-Pot Madness

Two recipes this weekend.  Two successful recipes.  When did I turn into such a cooking nerd?  I mean, I've always liked cooking, but I feel like I'm becoming obsessive.  One of the recipes is posted under my recipes tab, but I haven't finished getting the second put away...

Made it to the gym again today.  I've been trying to time it so that I go during times where there are less people so I can watch TV with the volume.  I need the distraction to keep me from focusing on the challenge of keeping myself on the treadmill.  One ear bud in so I can still hear the TV and my fast paced music at the same time.  I know it annoys some people when the volume is on the TVs, hence the effort to avoid others.  Plus the minor fact that I always feel like others are judging me and watching my blubber jiggle every time I step.  Yeah, yeah, I know that not all people are doing that, but then again... some are.  For example, there was a woman today on the treadmill next to me who kept glancing at the screen on my treadmill.  It was super annoying because I know I wasn't flying like her at 6 mph.  Hanging out between 3.0-3.5 mph was definitely not impressive.  And I'm jumping to conclusions... who knows what she was thinking when she looked at my screen.  If she knew me, she'd be thinking, damn, she was struggling to stay at 3.2 mph just a week ago!  And she just did 15 minutes at 3.5! Awesome!  Maybe, maybe not.  I'd love to say that I don't care, but unfortunately, a small part of me does.  So, what did I think about today as I was walking?  I thought about how in six months, I want the same people that I feel like are judging me to see a transformation and rethink their original conclusions about me.  Even if they're all in my head. 

And there's a problem I really need to work on...  My head.  My self-confidence sucks and has for quite some time. So, how do I fix that?  How do I work on that?  New challenge... Need to research.  

And need to go put the peppers away and crash for the night...

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