Thursday, November 20, 2014

Stupid Cupcake

I made the mistake of watching one of those cooking reality shows last night.  I used to watch them all the time and now I'm realizing how dumb that was of me.  "MasterChef Junior" is an entertaining show, although it definitely contributes to my tendency to mindlessly stare at the TV in the evening.  They made cupcakes last night.  And I obsessed.  I wanted a fricken cupcake.  Specifically, a funfetti cupcake with chocolate frosting and extra sprinkles.  Instead of changing the show, I watched the rest like an idiot and drooled over the amazing cupcakes.

Then I went to the store and bought a chocolate cupcake with red frosting and sprinkles.

I haven't eaten it yet.

I guess it's a step in the right direction that I made myself hold on to the cupcake until today.  I planned it into my calorie count and will probably have to do some extra walking if I'm hoping to stay under my 1700 calorie limit.  Ugh.  The planning this takes.  Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah; it's all worth it in the end.  I get that.  Still doesn't change the fact that it's a royal pain to have to spend so much time every day figuring out what I can/cannot eat.  Plus factoring in the amount of time I need to spend being active now, that's a killer too.  Am I whining?  A little.  Am I allowed?  A little.  I mean, I know it'll get easier and I'll cut the *hit complaining eventually, but I'm going to give myself a little leeway to start.

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