Saturday, November 22, 2014

Let's Talk About Excuses...

What's a good excuse?  What's a bad one?

Wait, before we get into that... The fricken cupcake.  Eyeroll, Sigh, Single Finger Salute!
I ate half of it at lunch with the intention of saving the rest for dessert Thursday night.  I'm a teacher.  More specifically, I'm a Title I Reading Teacher who works closely with kids who often forget there are boundaries.  I knew I had to hide that cupcake if I wanted it to make it home.  I didn't hide it well enough.  When I went to pull it out of the basket I had put it in (and then put on top of a 7' shelf), I discovered that it was missing most of the frosting!  It was in a plastic container!  A mouse did not do that, but I'm suspicious of a certain student of mine who had red stained lips at the end of the day.  At first I was super annoyed and then... I was still annoyed, but also okay with it.  Talk about removing temptation.


I've mentioned excuses before in a preachy manner and then in a more realistic one, but I have to ask the question; when are excuses legit?  Do you truly believe that excuses never are good enough? I'm torn right now, because I know I could have planned better and prepared myself for what I knew was going to be a potential disaster tonight.  I had biopsies done today.  Cervical and Endometrial (any guys still reading?).  By no means are these debilitating procedures, but they are not exactly comfortable.  Kind of like having menstrual cramps from hell... that last for hours and hours and potentially days.  Was I in the mood for my normal 3.5-4 miles walk afterwards?  Hell no!  Did I want a salad?  Definitely NOT!  Did I eat pizza and wings?  Yup.  Did I eventually use my stepper and at least reach 12,000 steps by the end of the day?  Uh huh.  Do I feel like a total failure right now?  Actually, no.  It's an interesting feeling to not feel like my day was a total disaster.  Oh darn, I'm still not perfect.  Shocker right there.

So is getting biopsies done that make me feel like s--t a good excuse?  I'll put that one somewhere in the middle.  I could have planned better, but feeling like crap is a hard thing to plan for as I don't regularly have to have my cervix pried open (since apparently it decided to close completely prior to this procedure).  I don't have kids.  I'm not familiar with that certain area of my body being cranked on.  It sucked.  I'm okay with not doing it again and therefore, hopefully will not be worrying about this as an excuse again!  Am I perseverating then? (Hey Blogger... Perseverating is a word, stop fricken telling me I'm spelling it wrong!) Yes... and no.  Excuses.  When can I tell myself that it's okay that I screwed up?  Only in extreme situations?  I'll go nuts. Again, I hate planning, but apparently I really need to get over that.

The snoring dog next to me is kind of a sign that it's past my bed time.

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