Things I Won't Miss About Being Fat

  • Collar bones buried under fat
  • Plus sized clothing
  • Rubbing thighs
  • Hefting myself out of my car
  • No waist
  • Squeezing into booths
  • Having my boobs sit on almost all tables
  • Tight plane seats
  • Only being able to dream about running a 5K, 8 miler, 1/2 marathon.
  • Double chins
  • Sweating in nasty places
  • Thinking that I'll be single forever
  • Overhanging gut
  • Sore knees even when inactive
  • Swollen ankles
  • Constantly sore feet
  • Only sleeping comfortably on my stomach
  • Being tired all the time
  • Not being able to ride roller coasters
  • Hating tank tops
  • Hating shorts
  • Not fitting in my own car seats
  • Having to use extra large towels
  • Not being able to cross my legs
  • Being the biggest person in the room
  • Hearing "You have such a pretty face."
  • Not feeling sexy in anything
  • Hating how I look naked
  • Not being able to bend down and tie my own shoes
  • Not being able to pain or clip my own toe nails
  • Struggling to get out of soft seats
  • Muffin top
  • Not fitting in a normal bathtub
  • Not being able to go on random hikes
  • Hating pictures
  • Chafing
  • Self loathing
  • Back rolls
  • Neck rolls
  • Rolling out of bed because sitting up is too rough
  • Hiking my pants up over my belly
  • My gut touching my legs when I sit
  • Looks I get when I'm at a buffet
  • Arms bigger than my neck
  • Taking forever to shave my legs
  • Fear of eating in public
  • Parachute underwear
  • Crazy hormones
  • Being asked when I'm expecting

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